This is a concept map of qualitative science as a model for doing "inquiry-based learning". It is perhaps mis-titled as "qualitative science as a theory of problem-solving." "Problem-solving" to me is a negative way of framing inquiry -- "problems" indicate something is wrong, they are obstacles to be overcome as opposed to opportunities to be embraced. The spirit of qualitative science (or Goethean science) is much more in the inquiry-as-opportunity domain than the problem-as-obstacle one.
The most complete expression of qualitative science in the education world can be found in the Waldorf movement.
The references for the concept map are below.
Davis, J. (2006). "The Goethean approach and human artifacts." Retrieved from http://www.gocatgo.com/texts/goethe.artifact.pdf January 17, 2010.
Holdrege, C. (Summer, 2005). Doing Goethean science. Janus Head. 8(1).
Miller, D. ed. and trans. (1988). Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: Scientific studies. New York: Suhrkamp Publishers.
Root, C. (Spring, 2006). Conversation between friends: An inspiration for Goethe's phenomenological method. In context. 15. Ghent, NY: The Nature Institute.
Steiner, R. (1996). The education of the child. Great Barrington, MA: The Anthroposophic Press.
The map was done with Kidspiration (mainly to develop skills with the tool since we use at my school. Images from Wikipedia (Creative Commons license or Wikimedia Commons); http://www.clipartof.com/gallery/clipart/conversation.html; or images distributed with Kidspiration.
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